[0.22.1] - 2024-01-28 Bug Fixes: * *(api)* Make sure permission to read all tasks work for reading all tasks per project * *(assignees)* Improve wording for assignee emails * *(assignees)* Prevent double notifications for assignees * *(assignees)* Subscribe assigned users directly to the task, not async * *(assignees)* Make sure task assignee created event contains the full task * *(auth)* Don't reset user settings when updating name or email from external auth provider * *(migration)* Ignore tasks with empty titles * *(openid)* Use the calculated redirect url when authenticating with openid providers * *(projects)* Don't remove parent project id if the parent project is available in the same run * *(relations)* Don't allow creating relations which already exist * *(subscriptions)* Don't crash when a project is already deleted * *(task)* Delete the task after all related attributes to prevent task not found errors * *(typesense)* Update tasks in Typesense directly when the change happened * *(user)* Make disable command actually work * *(webhooks)* Make sure all events with tasks have the full task* Create webhooks table for fresh installation ([09696ae](09696aec1bea647a5bfc7be16b31054626d721e4)) * Lint ([2c84688](2c84688a4013a816eca02caabba8c634a03d3d57)) * Convert everything which looks like an url to a <a href html element ([27a5f68](27a5f6862b1748ec10ca9282e0fe1a64f9ccf910)) * Update function signatures ([4d48d81](4d48d814c95244f21454219c1004b6298744e076)) * Tests ([1630e4f](1630e4fc08bc5fccff191a6cc4afe936543635d8)) * Lint ([30a2dcd](30a2dcd04c8379291a2ae5068ec0cab07bc9a7fb)) Dependencies: * *(deps)* Update dessant/repo-lockdown action to v4 * *(deps)* Update alpine docker tag to v3.19 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/arran4/golang-ical to v0.2.3 (#1669) * *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/gommon to v0.4.2 * *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.6 * *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.16.0 * *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.15.0 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.18.0 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/typesense/typesense-go to v1 * *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.16.0 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.4.0 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.26.0 * *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.35.2 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.4 * *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.6.0 * *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.7 * *(deps)* Update module github.com/google/uuid to v1.6.0 * *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 77ac23f * *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.20 Features: * *(reminders)* Persist reminders in the db Miscellaneous Tasks: * Check if import zip contains a VERSION file ([ec6e3e9](ec6e3e99e0d6f2d8a9c889c7261e0d16b4ebea7d)) * Rename function ([0d24ba1](0d24ba12bb85078afd8c821bae61926fd81f163e))